The bathtub test
During a visit to a mental hospital, one of the visitors asked the director:
- What is the criteria for which they decide who needs to be hospitalized here?
The director replied:
- We fill a bathtub with water and offer the patient a spoon, a glass and a bucket and ask that it empty. According to how he decides to empty it, we decide whether or not to commit it.
Awwwwwwwwww I get it.
- A normal person would use the bucket, which is bigger than the glass and the spoon, the visitor said.
No! No! - replied the director.
- A normal person would remove tampon from sewer.
Which do you prefer?
Private room or shared?
Sometimes life has more options than those offered, just look at them.
Now tell the truth...
You also picked the bucket right?
I already knew it... we are all crazy.
Worth reading.
To know how many crazy people are out here...
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