I can honestly say that this is the best version of Romeo and Juliet story you will ever encounter.
One day, there was a dog who resides across the street from a cat. For almost a year, the dog would always stare at the window just to see the cute cat. The dog knew it was love at first sight and his owner knew he was enamored and in love with the cat.
However, one day, the owner of the cat put plants in their window blocking the dog’s view. Unfortunately, the cat’s owner was not aware about the heartbreak she was causing across the way.
The dog’s owner noticed something different in her dog’s behavior. It seems like the dog was so sad and depressed and it is getting worse every single day. So she decided to make a move. She wrote a note and posted it on the window of the cat’s owner. You will see the note n the next page.
Dogs can’t talk and express how they feel the way we humans do so it is so nice of his owner to step up and help out the heartbroken furry buddy. She wrote a note to her neighbor on his dog’s behalf, confessing his love for their cat and asked nicely, in the name of true love, if they could kindly move their potted plants so her dog can see their cat as she sits by the window sill.
And did it work? Sure it did! The neighbor gladly moved his potted plants so the dog can adore the love of his life three times a day like he used to. The neighbor even posted a note back saying, “For true love.” Awww … this truly gives me all the feels.