Monday, January 11, 2021
Time for Tea and Poems
When stress and troubles storm and hail,
And lightening strike the sea,
Then step inside your inner realm,
And have a cup of tea.
Though outside may be crashing waves,
And thunder roaring past,
And in your house a great parade,
Of noise with raging blast,
Do not despair though stuck you feel,
For trapped you never are,
Beneath the layers of the noise,
Remains the wide and far.
Through space you will find peace and love,
Within look for the way,
Unlock the doors of mind and lack,
Reveal your golden ray.
For scarcity does not exist,
Illusion makes it so,
Your troubles knock and do persist,
Yet now they all shall go.
Within this healing pot of tea,
Relax into the scene,
And let your mind and heart unwind,
Let go and feel serene,
With peace you will feel loved and healed,
The sun will warm the sea,
Your inner light shall be revealed,
Now have a cup of tea.
-Pamela Storch
When you are feeling sad & blue
And have no clue what to do
Sit down and have a cup of tea
And a hug or two or maybe three
Feel those troubles melt away
And start you on a better day.
(by Paulette, 1998~~TLC
Tea Cures All
Tea that helps our head and heart.
Tea medicates most every part.
Tea rejuvenates the very old.
Tea warms the hands of those who’re cold.
(J. Jonker, Amsterdam circa 1670
If I could take your Troubles,
I would toss them in the Sea.
But since I can’t, I’m sending you,
My favourite cup of tea.
(source unknown)
I cannot sit and chat with you,
the way I’d like to do.
So brew yourself a cup of tea,
I’ll think of you, you think of me.
(source unknown)
Overseas Poem
There are too many miles between us
for me to get to you.
So I am sending you a tea bag and this will
have to do.
So make your self a cup of tea
and when you drink it
I’ll think of you and
you think of me
together sharing a cup of tea.
... The Lonely Teabag ... [squeezed out]
That cup of tea,
remember... the one I made for you
just enough for one to share, but not enough for two,
for while you sipped your cup of tea, your fresh and tasty brew
the one I made through chivalry, was the one that I would rue,
whilst reaching for the coffee beans, their flavour to infuse
that caffeine fix, dark and rich, were low from overuse,
within that roasted coffee jar, I clutched the unforeseen
for held confined, in there to grind... just one solitary bean.
Nuts are brown
Skirts go up
Pants go down
Body to body Skin to skin
When its stiff
Stick it in
The Longer its in
The Stronger it gets
It goes in dry And comes out wet
It comes out dripping And starts to sag
Its not what you think......
Its a Teabag
