Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Get Rid of Stains, Freckles and Hyper pigmentation by Using This Natural Recipe Which Contains 2 Ingredients
Natural cure for hyper pigmentation- the recipe:
- Grab one teaspoon of turmeric powder
- Add one teaspoon of lemon juice
- Whisk it well
- Place it on the affected area
- Leave it to work for 15 minutes until it dries
- Rinse it off with cold water
You mustn’t expose on the sunlight at least half an hour after the treatment.
Implement the treatment before taking a shower.
Iterate the process once or twice through the day until you have noticeable results.
This remedy is established on the principles of Ayrveda and is very effective.
The lemon gives a bright appearance of the skin and stimulates skin peeling, and the turmeric is making the skin lighter, has anti-inflammatory properties and makes the skin glare.
If you have sensitive skin you can add a little bit of water in the lemon juice or substitute it with milk.
- See more at: Pain: Map That Shows What Could Be The Cause Of Your Pain
Abdominal pain is one of the more common problems that sometimes affect more than 90% of people. Sometimes, the intensity of the pain may scare us, but not necessarily because it may not be something serious. However, lingering burdens can indicate a chronic disease that should be treated.
If any kind of pain lasts more than two weeks (long-term bloating, more vomiting, diarrhea and blood in the stool) you must visit your doctor in order to avoid serious diagnosis.
Abdominal pain is any kind of pain felt between the chest and groin. Since this is a big part of the body, it is necessary to know the exact location of the pain so you can easier find the cause.
Find the diagnosis on the photography.
- See more at: Poeding

Baie groot poeding – vries goed)
250 ml koekmeel
125 ml suiker
60 ml botter
150 ml appelkooskonfyt
4 eiers
10 ml koeksoda, gemeng met bietjie melk
Verroom botter en suiker. Voeg eiers een vir een by en klop goed na elke byvoeging. Voeg res van die bestanddele, behalwe die koeksoda, by en meng goed. Voeg laastens die koeksoda by. Gooi mengsel in kokende stroop. Bak ± 1 uur teen 180ºC.
500 ml suiker
500 ml room
500 ml melk (room en melk kan met idealmelk vervang word).
Karamelliseer suiker tot goed bruin. Voeg melk en room by en roer oor matige hitte, totdat klonte opgelos is.
Om bevrore poeding warm te maak kan dit oor kookwater gestoom word, of in die mikrogolfoond ontdooi en verwarm word.
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