Coconut oil is one of nature’s true miracles. It’s great for
beautifying skin and hair, preventing premature aging, aiding weight
loss, preventing heart disease, cancer and diabetes and providing immune
Entire books have been devoted to discussing the health, beauty and healing properties of this beautiful oil, such as
The Coconut Oil Miracle.
Bruce Fife, the author of the above book, claims “coconut oil is the
healthiest oil on earth”, and world famous Dr. Joseph Mercola agrees.
Using more coconut oil can only be good for your health and beauty, so pick up some
tubs of Nature’s Way Coconut Oil and make some of the below recipes devised by crafty bloggers from all around the world.
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25 Magical Things To Make With Coconut Oil
Elizabeth was seeking an alternative to creamy, but chemical filled
store bought body butters. Plain old coconut oil wasn’t working for her
(it went too hard in the winter) so she whipped up this really simple,
really cheap three ingredient coconut oil body butter using her new
KitchenAid mixer.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
Jillee was experiencing the worst dry skin of her life, so she mixed up
this fantastic coconut oil body butter and slathered it on her skin
after showering. Again, it contains just three ingredients – including
my second favorite ingredient – Shea butter.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
This recipe has a few more ingredients including beeswax, cocoa butter
and a choice between apricot kernel oil or almond oil. I’d go for the
apricot, personally. The cocoa butter adds a nice chocolatey scent and
there is the option to add your own herbs or essential oils to customize
the body butter so it’s perfect for you.
Get the full recipe (you’ll need to scroll down a little) and try it for yourself at
This is the last coconut oil body butter recipe I’ll share. This recipe
includes some of my all-time favorite ingredients including mint, rose
petals, fresh rosemary, lime essential oil and lavender essential oil.
Perhaps the most complex recipe to make, but also the most nourishing.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
Now we move from body butters to body scrubs. Both products work
differently; butters nourish and moisturize while scrubs cleanse and
exfoliate. This particular body scrub shared on but
contributed by
This recipe includes four simple ingredients that are so natural you
could even eat the finished scrub! Use this in the shower to clear,
cleanse and exfoliate your skin.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
Carlee says this coconut oil body scrub will leave you feeling refreshed
and renewed and I agree with her. This scrub looks beautiful (perhaps
it’s the flower poking out of it) and, judging by the ingredients, it
can work wonders for your skin.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
Ginger is fantastic for sensitive skin; it can help reduce redness with
its anti-inflammatory properties and treats a number of skin disorders.
Infused into coconut oil and mixed with a few other skin-friendly
ingredients makes this fantastic body scrub.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
This recipe has been adapted from one in Gill Farrer Halls book “
How To Make Your Own Organic Cosmetics”. It’s a really simple coconut oil hand cream recipe that’s great for use after doing the dishes.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
This is a really simple recipe containing just coconut oil and vitamin E
capsules which is one of the best vitamins for our skin and hair.
It’s a simple recipe, but I’ll let Merissa explain it all sofor instructions and photos for this coconut oil lotion, visit
As we already know, coconut oil moisturizes and refreshes the skin while
helping it to maintain its youthful properties. This recipe also
includes avocado which also moisturizes, maintains youthfulness and
prevents acne, coconut milk which cleans and cocoa powder which is
packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The combination of
these ingredients are fantastic for our face, so try out this mask at
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
Coconut oils emollient properties also make it a great ingredient to
include in homemade hair masks, and this is perhaps the easiest to make.
Containing just an egg and some coconut oil anyone can make this at
Get the full recipe, see the instructional photos and the before and after pictures at

Jillee shares a fantastic coconut + jojoba + peppermint oil deep
conditioner recipe that you apply to your hair, allow to sit for a while
and then shampoo as normal. She even has some after photos of her hair.
Get the full recipe and see the photos at
Andrea describes this as “the most amazing natural hair product” she has used – and even her husband loves it!
This recipe requires a number of different oils, including coconut,
olive, castor and jojoba oil, a couple of different butters, including
Shea and cocoa and some essential oils depending on your hair type. If
Andrea loves it, I’m sure I will, (I love most of the things she writes
about!) and I’m sure you will, too.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
If you suffer from dry and chapped lips then a homemade lip balm containing coconut oil offers the perfect solution.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
There have been many dangers reported regarding the use of store bought
deodorants, we won’t get into the specifics now, but using an
all-natural deodorant can only be good for your body and the environment
and this recipe, which includes coconut oil, is one of the best.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
Leslie says she’ll never buy toothpaste again after trying this coconut oil toothpaste recipe adapted from Tammy at
As Leslie says, this toothpaste contains nothing that she can’t
pronounce which is always a good sign when you want to reduce your
chemical load.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at

Reading about what this toothpaste did for Katie (The Wellness Mama)
excites me to try this. Katie suggests that this toothpaste helps to
remineralize the teeth, she has noticed her teeth are whither than ever
and she is no longer sensitive to cold food and drinks (that eliminates
my biggest stumbling block to eating ice cream!).
Get the full recipe and try this for yourself at
I’m going to share a few coconut oil decongestant recipes, but this is
perhaps the simplest. You can actually use extra virgin olive oil OR
coconut oil, but since this post is all about the virtues of coconut
oil, let’s use that. Adrienne used this recipe on her son when his nose
was stuffed up and ten minutes later he was asleep. Sounds good to me!
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
This is a fantastic coconut oil vapor rub recipe that can easily be
customized with various essential oils depending on your mood and
preference. It is safer than store bought options (mentioning no names)
which contain a petroleum base and questionable preservatives.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
If you struggle with athlete’s foot or other fungal infections then this recipe is for you. Kate suggests that just
coconut oil helps with athlete’s foot, but if that doesn’t work then
try this coconut oil with grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
This coconut oil mosquito repellent is loaded with all sorts of
different essential oils which is great since I love using essential
oils. Mixing water, coconut oil and then seven essential oils produces
this fantastic mosquito repellent.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
Store bought sunscreen is one of the most toxic ingredients we apply to
our skin. Coconut oil has natural sun protective qualities making it a
perfect ingredient to include in homemade sunscreens. The zinc oxide in
this recipe also provides a barrier that reflects harmful rays and there
are many more skin-kind ingredients, such as green tea, vitamin E oil
and aloe vera.
Get the full recipe and try it for yourself at
This sunscreen has a recipe list as long as my arm, but each ingredient
has fantastic sun-protective or skin-nourishing properties. For example,
carrot seed essential oil contains SPF levels of 30 and Shea butter
protects to SPF levels of 6-10. The coconut, jojoba, avocado and almond
oil are also fantastic emollients helping to keep the skin hydrated.
Get the full recipe and try this coconut oil sunscreen recipe for yourself at
I’ve shared some coconut oil recipes for your health, home and beauty,
but now it’s time for a little treat! This is a fantastic coconut oil
chocolate recipe that you and your family are sure to enjoy.
Get the full recipe and try this delicious recipe for yourself at

Okay, one last recipe and one last treat! These coconut oil truffles
look heavenly, and I’m sure they don’t taste bad either! Great for
eating or for gifts!
Get the full recipe and try this delicious recipe for yourself at
Coconut oil is one of the most versatile, most incredible natural
products in the world. Who’d have thought the same ingredient you put in
mosquito repellent could be used to make delicious truffles?

Having a tub of coconut oil in your home is something I suggest everyone has, and I personally recommend
Nature’s Way Coconut Oil.
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25 Magical Things To Make With Coconut Oil