Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Where to Start Investigating Cat Skin Problems

When investigating cat skin problems, start with simple explanations and then move to those that require veterinary tests (although it never hurts to visit your vet). For mild cat skin itch and flaking with no other symptoms such as pus or oozing lesions, fever or significant hair loss, try a mild non-medicated shampoo or waterless bath wash (see below for recommendations).

In terms of a cause, first suspect fleas, even if you don't find any, as an early flea infestation is hard to spot and can cause problems. Cat flea symptoms include red areas, scabs and cat hair loss. When checking for cat fleas, pay attention to areas of the body such as the spine, neck and under the chin.  For fleas, you'll need to eliminate them from your cat via a herbal treatment (see below), and then use a preventative such as Frontline Plus.
If fleas are not the problem, you can try one of the medicated shampoos mentioned below.  If the condition worsens, hair loss continues, you see changes in behavior, other symptoms such as pus filled pimples etc, then visit the veterinarian for some preliminary tests and evaluation (see below for tips on diagnosis).  
Be sure to always check your cat for any skin lumps, bumps, scabs, red skin areas, or anything that looks abnormal.
To get an idea of what could be troubling your cat, review the pictures below, and click on the related links to learn more.  Try searching our site and looking at the bottom of this page for questions submitted by readers that are similar to your concern.  Each question was answered by our veterinarian. Also you can ask our veterinarian a question here about cat skin problems and receive a response for free.  We receive many questions, so if you need immediate help, you can try this online veterinary service that has vets available 24 hours a day.

Why It's Difficult to Recognize Cat Skin Problems

Unlike dogs, which tend to scratch at skin problems, cats are more likely to lick problem areas.  This isn't that different than ordinary grooming behaviors. Instead, you'll need to look for the following signs of cat skin disease:
  •  grooming more often than normal, particularly in one area
  • changes in behavior such as acting agitated or anxious
  • twitching of the superficial back muscles
  • hiding from view
  • avoiding attention

Pictures and Descriptions of Common Cat Skin Problems 

Use these pictures of descriptions of cat skin problems to identify or eliminate possible feline skin diseases.
Macule: A macule is a area of the skin where there is a change in color. Common causes are some type of inflammation or injury.
pciture of macule Picture of Macule on Cat Nose
Papule: A papule is a type of lesion that is elevated. If it is large it is called plaque. This type of cell inflammation is commonly called a neoplasm (which refers to any type of cells, not just papules). A bigger papule is called plaque. A neoplasm can be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancerous that spreads).
picture of papule Picture of Cat Skin Papule
Postule: A postule is an area on the skin that is filled with pus. Pus is caused by white blood cells that are sent to kill a foreign invader such as bacteria or a fungus. The dead cells create a lump on the skin called a postule.
postule Picture of Cat Skin Postule
Vesicle: This is a lump underneath the skin that is filled with an unusual amount of fluid (called edema).
vesicle Picture of cat skin vesicle
Wheal: A wheal is a raised area that tends to heal by itself in minutes or hours. It is an area with increased redness or has a pale color when compared to surrounding areas. It is also referred to as a cat hive with symptoms such as severe itching. Common causes include certain foods or drugs, infection, insect bites or allergy.
cat skin picture wheal Picture of cat skin wheal (hives, insect bites)
Nodule: A nodule is a larger elevated bump on the skin. Causes include an abnormal cell growth (neoplasm that is benign or malignant). It can also be caused by bacterial or fungal infection.
picture of cat skin nodule Picture of cat skin nodule
Tumor: A tumor is a large tissue mass. It is caused by abnormal cell growth (neoplasm that is benign or malignant) or due to some type of inflammation.
picture of cat tumor Picture of cat tumor
Feline Miliary Dermatitis: Collection of small bumps in a red areas of skin. There are multiple causes.
Picture of Cat Skin Bumps and Lumps Picture of Cat Miliary Dermatitis

Types of Cat Skin Problems

If you can't match one of the picture, try continuing your investigation by clicking the links below that best match the cat skin symptoms, or what you believe is causing the cat skin problems.

  • Cat skin cysts - these are usually benign (non-cancerous) lumps under the skin that can be found anywhere on your cats body.  Feline cysts are often drained and removed if they are making a cat uncomfortable.  Secondary complications include infection.

  • Cat skin warts - these are benign (non-cancerous) bumps on the skin

  • Cat Skin Cancer

  • Cat Skin Rash 
  • Dry Skin

  • Diabetic Dermatitis (red skin inflammation)
  • Feline Skin Allergies Symptoms such as hair loss and skin dermatitis (inflammation) seen in the back half of the body, and on back legs. Can also be generalized or all over. Cause by either atopy (allergens in the air such as pollen, called atopic dermatitis), or food allergy.

    Cat atopic dermatitis in particular is the second most common cause of feline skin conditions after flea allergy (see below). Symptoms are similar to flea allergy so if you cat has been on a flea preventative, then atopy should be the next area to investigate. The condition is usually treated with a prescription steroid such as the medication prednisolone.  If any skin rubbing resulted in infection, then antibiotics will be prescribed as well.

    cat skin problems atopy
    Cat Skin Problems can be caused by Atopy, which are inhaled seasonal allergies can cause hair loss on body (rear leg) as shown above
    Source: Dermatology for the Small Animal Practitioner (Mueller)
    cat food allergy
    Food allergy dermatitis in a cat
    From the collection of Dr. Barbara Stein, Washington State University
    cat skin food allergy
    Cat Skin Food Allergy Dermatitis
    Source: Washington State University, Dr. Candace Sousa, DABVP, DACVD
    Senior Veterinary Specialist, Veterinary Specialist Team
    Pfizer Animal Health
  • Fleas: Cat flea allergy dermatitis (also called flea bite hypersensitivity) is the most common cat skin problems.  It is more difficult to diagnose in cats than dogs.  There is a wide variety of cat flea allergy symptoms, including the use of their teeth and tongues to scratch the skin. Often, cat owners believe that this is over grooming when in fact a cat is suffering from a flea allergy.  Another sign of cat flea allergy is when a cat licks the belly until a hairless spot forms.  If the feline flea allergy dermatitis is severe, the cat may chew a stripe of fur away from the spine and shoulder down to the rear.

    cat flea
    Cat Skin Problems or Plaques caused by Flea Allergy
    Source: Washington State University

    Miliary dermatitis refers to cat skin problems where scabbing lesions form in areas under the chin and neck.

    cat miliary dermatitis
    Cat Miliary Dermatitis
    Even a few cat fleas can result in skin problems on the back half of the body, or all over the body.  Problems are also often seen above the tail.  It can be difficult to find the fleas since cat fur is thick and fleas tend to hide near the skin.  Even if your cat stays indoors, fleas can be brought into the house on your shoes, or the shoes of your visitors. They can also be spread by other pets.  This is why all cats and pets in a home need to be on flea preventatives such as Frontline Plus® and Advantage®. Avoid off-brand products such as Pet -Armor®. Even though these have the same active ingredient as Frontline, the concentrations could be delivered in a different medium and therefore possibly be less effective (ask your veterinarian for the best product to use for your cat).
    Treatment includes killing all fleas, and then using a flea preventative. During recovery, improve hair condition with a homeopathic (see bottom of page) and Omega Fish Oil Supplements.
  • Mites (mange, scabies)
  • Feline Skin Infection

    • Ringworm: (also called dermatophytosis) Ringworm in cats is less common than cat flea allergy or atopic dermatitis. This fungus occurs in cats with inadequate immune systems, which is a particular problem in kittens whose immune systems haven't had time to develop. Cat ringworm symptoms include hair loss and crusting on the paws and face. Some cats can be carriers of the disease without showing any symptoms, which could explain why one cat in a two cat household has the disorder.  Treatment options include a natural skin treatment such as Naturasil.
    • Cat Skin Fungus

    Symptoms of Feline Skin Disorders

    Symptoms of feline skin problems include:
    • Dry, flaky cat skin
    • Red, irritated looking skin called skin lesions
    •  Loss of hair (called cat alopecia, or the result of atopy see feline skin allergies above)
    • A dry, dull-looking coat
    • Lumps or bumps on or under the skin
    • Red patches on the skin
    • Round raw lesions on the head, hips and chest called cat hot spots
    • Scaly patches or scabs on the skin
    • Your cat may scratch or lick her skin excessively (called pruritis)

    Diagnosis of Cat Skin Problems

    Your vet will examine your cat’s skin carefully as part of a complete examination. In order to properly diagnose any cats skin problems in the following order:
    1. Physical Examination: Some types of cat skin disease such as fleas are immediately identifiable by your vet. such as fleas.
    2. Skin Cytology Tests: The next most likely cause is a cat skin infection caused by bacteria.  Cytology tests are used to examine skin cells in order to confirm this specific diagnosis.
    3. Fungal Culture Test: This test is used to detect fungal infections such as cat ringworm. Results take 2 to 3 weeks, so the test is often given at the first office visit just in case.  A special lamp called a Woods Lamp is also used as an in-office diagnostic test for certain types of cat fungal skin infections.

      If the fungal culture is negative, then most vets will conduct additional tests such as:
    4. Skin biopsy: These tests look for problems such as cat skin cancer.  In this test, a needle is used to remove cells from a lump to be examined by a pathologist. This can determine if a lump is cancerous or if it is just a cyst or wart.
    5. Food Trial: Food allergy is a common cause of allergy in cats.  If this cause is suspected, then the vet will recommend a hypoallergenic diet .
    6. Blood and Serum tests: These tests can be used  to check for infections, certain nutrient deficiencies and allergens (serum tests). Intradermal tests (skin surface tests) can also be used to test for certain allergens that are causing atopic dermatitis (skin inflammation), after other possible causes are eliminated.
    Identifying Cat Skin Problems by Location on the Body
    The location of the cat skin disorder can also indicate the type or problem your cat might have. For example feline skin problems on the ear can indicate mites or food allergy, a facial problem could be mange and near the tail is most likely a problem with fleas.   Hair loss on the back half of the body are often due to food allergy or atopy (hypersensitivity to allergens in the air such as pollen, dust mites or mold spores)
    Certain breeds have a higher incidence of cat skin problems.  For example:
    • Abyssinian cats: earwax and cat ear canal infection (otitis externa), excessive grooming (feline psychogenic alopecia)
    • Persian cats: cat walking dandruff (caused by mites, cheyletieliosis, cheyletiella dermatitis), Ringworm  (dermatophytosis),  superficial dermatitis that occurs in skin folds due to moisture that leads to skin infection, feline seborrhea (skin flaking)
    • Siamese cats: food allergy, hair loss (feline hypotrichosis), white cat hair around eyes (periocular leukotrichia), cat white skin patches (cat vitiligo)
    There are also problems that are unique to kitten skin.

    Treatment of Cat Skin Problems

    The treatment of the diseases and conditions associated with feline skin problems depends on the exact disease or condition.

    Home Cat Skin Treatment and Remedies

    If the cat skin condition is mild, meaning there is mild skin itch or skin flaking, then you can try home treatment.  First, look for an early stage cat flea problem.  Even if you don't see fleas in your home or on your cat, don't immediately eliminate this as a possible cause since fleas are great at hiding.  Also, contrary to popular belief, fleas are one of those cat skin problems that can occur at any time of the year. To check for cat fleas, use a flea comb and comb through your cat's coat, with special focus on the area just above the tail and also be sure to carefully examine the back part of the thighs.

    If you suspect cat fleas, you'll want to kill the fleas that are on your cat using a product such as Adams Plus, followed by the use of a flea preventative.  If this is the cause be sure to also clean your cat's environment  to remove any hiding fleas. Check with your Vet for a specific product recommendation as well.

    Cat Shampoo Therapy for Cat Skin Problems

    Next, if you rule out fleas as the cause of the cat skin problems, you can try bathing your cat in a colloidal oatmeal shampoo such as Avoderm or use over-the-counter sprays or waterless bath foam (if your cat hates baths)  to see if you can bring some relief.  These are not cures, but can help with symptoms. Avoid using medicated shampoos at first, as these can often irritate the skin.  If the natural shampoos don't help, then a medicated cat shampoo is worth a try (see below).  The key to shampoo therapy is contact with the skin, which isn't always easy with a cat that hates the water. 

    Instructions for Applying Cat Shampoo

    The ideal length of time for a shampoo to stay in contact with the skin is 10 minutes. If you cat allows it, massage into the skin, and then rinse the shampoo off your cat for 5 to 10 minutes.

    If the non-medicated approach does not help, try these shampoos depending on the symptoms and suspected cause of the condition. 


    Cat Skin Disease and Symptoms
    Typical Frequency of Shampooing
    Bacterial cat skin Infection, Fungal infection.
    Duoxo with Chlorheidine
    Every 1 to 14 days,
    Mild skin flaking (seborrhea sicca, seborrhea dermatitis), cat dandruff
    Dermapet MalAcetic ShampooAlso look for shampoos with Sulfur and/or Salcylic acid
    2x to 3x per week until improvement is seen, then reduce frequency
    Dry Cat Skin and itchy cat skin
    Avoderm with colloidal oatmeal
    Every 3 to 14 days as needed
    Note: Do not use shampoos that contain benzoyl peroxide or only tar with cats unless advised by your veterinarian

    If you notice the cat skin condition worsening, despite your home treatment,  see a Vet. Always see a Vet if you see hair loss, red skin areas, pus or oozing areas on the skin.   

    Also, if your cat has scratched herself too much, antibiotics may be necessary, as a secondary bacterial infection may have set in. Treatment may involve oral or topical medications.
    Treatment may also involve surgical removal of any lumps or bumps from your cat’s skin. This is usually only done if the growth is cancerous or if it seems to be bothering your pet. If it is benign and is not causing your cat discomfort, it can be left alone.
    There are several over the counter homeopathic products that could help to improve overall skin and coat condition such as  Skin and Coat Tonic. Other over the counter products such as Dermasol contain Vitamin A, which can help to promote the healing of skin.
    References for Cat Skin Problems:
    Dermatologic Examination
    R.S. Mueller
    Department of Clinical Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
    Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
    Carter, G.R., Wise, D.J., and Flores, E.F. (Eds)A Concise Review of Veterinary Virology

    Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine - The challenge of Cat Skin Disorders

    Add these 4 pain-fighting superfoods to your diet and you’ll probably feel a difference a few minutes after your last bite.


    Blueberries are overflowing with nutrients that KO arthritis pain. Yummy blueberries are especially rich in crucial compounds called antioxidants. Antioxidants are your body’s bodyguards that protect your joints from damage. If you don’t get enough of them, expect epic arthritis flare-ups to take hold.
    In fact, a USDA commissioned study found that wild blueberries have more antioxidants than any other food on planet Earth! Research at the University of Prince Edward Island recently found that eating blueberries significantly reduced arthritis pain.

    Green Tea

    If you have arthritis, there’s an acronym that should be part of your vocabulary: EGCG. EGCG is the insanely beneficial compound found only in green tea that fights everything from cancer to cavities.
    Used for centuries as a pain reliever in China, green tea is earning the notice of University researchers in the West. A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that EGCG drops inflammation and relieves pain in people with severe arthritis.


    If you’re like most people, your mother made you down this bitter green cruciferous veggie as a kid. If you followed to her advice into adulthood, you may not have arthritis today. Scientists at the University of East Anglia recently figured out why broccoli helps people with osteoarthritis –by far, the most common arthritis type.
    They found that broccoli (and only broccoli) contains a funny sounding nutrient called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane presses the “OFF” button on enzymes that destroy vulnerable joints and cartridge.

    Kidney Beans

    In terms of arthritis pain, kidney beans have a lot going for them. First, it’s got almost as much antioxidants per ounce as blueberries. Also, they’re one of the few carbohydrate sources known as “slow carbs.” Slow carbs are digested and absorbed slowly –unlike white bread, potatoes, and soda. Studies show that replacing rapidly digesting carbs with slow carbs relieves arthritis pain.
    Last (but not least), kidney beans are bursting with soluble fiber. Soluble fiber fights appetite and accelerates the weight loss results you get from dieting.

    Campfire French Toast

    Recipe type: Brunch
    Prep time:  
    Cook time:  
    Total time:  
    Serves: 6
    • 1 loaf of bread of choice
    • 1 carton of Burnbrae Farms French Toast Egg Creations
    • ¼ cup sliced almonds
    • 1 500g container of fresh strawberries
    • Confectioners sugar (Icing Sugar)
    • Syrup of choice
    1. Wash strawberries, dice half of the container and slice the other half.
    2. Wrap the loaf of brad in parchment paper, then in foil loosely so the bread slices fall slightly open.
    3. Sprinkle the diced strawberries over the loaf, taking care to sprinkle some between slices; set aside the sliced strawberries for afterwards.
    4. Sprinkle the sliced almonds in the same way as the diced strawberries over the loaf.
    5. Wrap the foil and parchment paper tighter around the loaf of bread. Pour 1 carton of Burnbrae Farms French Toast eggs evenly over the entire loaf of bread before wrapping tightly with a top piece of foil to ensure no leaks.
    6. Place over the campfire or grill on low to medium heat for approximately 35-40 minutes, moving around occasionally to cook evenly. If the bread looks soggy still, cook slightly longer.
    7. Remove from heat and let sit for 10 mins before serving with sugar, syrup and sliced strawberries.                                                                               http://thislilpiglet.net/

    Monday, June 22, 2015

    Hand painted rock

    Hand painted rock.

    Cute garden kitty

    Totally cute garden kitty

    rock cat for the garden

    rock cat for the garden

    Hand painted old window

    Hand painted window
    Hand painted old window www.facebook.com/Upcyclery

    On The Farm This family didn't stop at designing their own chicken coop—they added DIY decorations too. Bonus: The cute "on the farm" sign lists the names of all its feathered residents.

    This family didn't stop at designing their own chicken coop—they added DIY decorations too. Bonus: The cute "on the farm" sign lists the names of all its feathered residents.
Get the tutorial at Redeem Your Ground, and learn more about the coop's design.

    Beautiful Swan and Babies

    The swan is a recurring symbol in early Irish myth.
    swan & babies
    Beautiful Black swan with cute Babies | Most Beautiful Pages

    Sunday, June 21, 2015

    Drink These 3 Smoothies for Breakfast and Lose Weight Like Crazy

    Excess body fat causes heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, and a higher risk of developing cancer. Foods rich in fiber keep you full for longer, and they also help you deal with food cravings. They are the ideal choice for people struggling with constipation.
    Protein-packed food are great if you want to lose weight and maintain your muscle mass at the same time. They boost energy and provide enough energy for your daily activities.
    If excess weight is your problem, starving is the last thing you should do. Instead of your regular breakfast, make these super-delicious smoothies, and lose weight naturally.
    Since breakfast is important, each of these smoothies will boost your metabolism and improve your body’s ability to burn fat.
    Check the recipes and start your natural weight loss process without any special effort:
    1. Ingredients:
    • 1 banana
    • 1 orange
    • 2 tbsp almonds, crushed
    • 2 tbsp flax seeds, grounded
    • 2 fresh or dried figs
    • 1/3 cup water
    Juice the orange and blend it together with the rest of the ingredients until smooth and creamy. Always drink it fresh.
    Note: If you are using dried figs, soak them in water for half an hour before using them.
    2. Ingredients:
    • 1 cup raspberries
    • 1 apple
    • 1 banana
    • 1/2 lemon
    • 1 tbsp flax seeds, grounded
    Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Drink it fresh.
    Note: If you are using organic apples, do not peel them.
    3. Ingredients:
    • 2 kiwi fruits
    • 1 banana
    • 1/2 apple
    • 1 orange
    • 1 tbsp flax seeds, grounded
    • 1 tbsp hazelnuts, grounded
    Blend everything together until smooth. Drink your smoothie fresh.

    Cinnamon And Honey: The Magic Mixture

    It is found that mixture of Honey and Cinnamon cures most of the diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Honey has been used as a vital medicine for centuries. Scientists of today also accept honey as a very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases. Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients also. Here we present a list of diseases that can be cured by Honey and Cinnamon as researched by western scientists.
    Take one part honey to two parts of lukewarm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make a paste and massage it on the itching part of the body slowly. It is noticed that the pain recedes within a minute or two. Or arthritis patients may daily, morning and night take one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If drunk regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research done at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week out of the 200 people so treated practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.
    Hair Loss 
    Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath and keep it for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. It was found to be very effective.
    Bladder Infections 
    Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of luke warm water and drink it. It destroys the germs of the bladder.
    Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey and apply on the aching tooth. This may be done 3 times a day daily till such time that the tooth has stopped aching.
    Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, if given to a cholesterol patient, it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken 3 times a day any chronic cholesterol is cured. As per the information received in the said journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complains of cholesterol.
    Cold and Cough 
    Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
    Since ancient times, it is commonly known, that the use of honey strengthens the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoon of honey before sleeping, their problem will be solved. In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women who do not conceive and to strengthen the uterus have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.
    Upset Stomach 
    Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root.
    According to the studies done in India & Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.
    Heart Diseases 
    Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heartbeat.
    Immune System 
    Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.
    Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food, relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.
    It has been proved that honey contains a natural ingredient, which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu. Longevity Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly arrests the ravages of old age. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, 3 to 4 times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life span also increases and even if a person is 100 years old, starts performing the chores of a 20 year old.
    Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples completely.
    Skin Infections 
    Eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections are cured by applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts.
    Weight Loss 
    Daily in the morning, 1/2 hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water. If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.
    Bad Breath 
    People of South America, first thing in the morning gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water. So their breath stays fresh throughout the day.

    Juice Which Melts The Pounds While You Are Reading A Book?

    Yes, indeed, that is possible by using the healing properties of honey mixed with cinnamon. Very few people know that the combination of these two ingredients speeds up metabolism and helps in weight loss.
    Honey  helps boost and speed up the metabolism which helps the body burn fat.
    Honey has a healthier glycemic index (GI) than sugar, therefore it doesn’t cause a sugar rush, but it is gradually and progressively absorbed into our body.
    Cinnamon stabilizes blood sugar levels and increases the metabolism of glucose. Since high blood sugar levels can lead to increased storage of fat, cinnamon helps prevent this.
    Cinnamon improves insulin function. Thus, you lose weight.
    The cinnamon and local honey clean parasites, fungus and bacteria in the digestive tract.
    You will also have a feeling of fullness and satiety.

    For the preparation of this drink, you need only two spoons of honeyone spoon of cinnamon and 250 ml of water.
    The recommended amount can be changed, but you must always use two measures of honey and one of cinnamon.
    Prepare as much drink as you think you need. To begin, boil the water and pour it over the cinnamon, cover the glass and let the mixture cool.
    You can add the honey when the water is cool, and keep in mind that you should never add honey in boiled water.
    - See more at: http://goodmorningcenter.com/juice-which-melts-the-pounds-while-you-are-reading-a-book/#sthash.5DFBOTRv.dpufok

    Friday, June 19, 2015

    Top 10 Iron Rich Foods

    Iron is a trace mineral found in every living cell in our bodies. Iron is a primary component of two proteins: hemoglobin and myoglobin.
    Hemoglobin is the part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen to the body’s tissues.
    Myoglobin is the part of the muscle cells that hold oxygen.
    Since iron plays such a critical role in the body, the liver and bone marrow are able to store some iron in case it is needed.
    It must be stored inside specialized proteins because free iron can cause damage to the body’s tissues.
    Iron deficiency symptoms include:
    • Weakness
    • Fatigue
    • Poor concentration
    • Weakened immune system
    • Leaky Gut or IBS
    Consuming high iron foods are important for Pre-menopausal women have higher iron needs than men due to monthly blood losses.
    If you are low in Iron it is also critical to get plenty of vitamin C in your diet since it increases iron absorption. The RDA for iron is 8mg/day for men and older women, while pre-menopausal women need 18 mg/day and the Daily Value is 18mg.

    Top 10 Iron Rich Foods List

    1) Liver3 oz: 5.6 mg (31% DV)
    2) Beef steak3 oz: 1.8 mg (10% DV)
    3) Navy beans½ c: 2.3 mg (13% DV)
    4) Black beans½ c:  1.8 mg (10% DV)
    5) Spinach½ c: 3.2 mg (18% DV)
    6) Swiss chard½ c: 2.0 mg (11% DV)
    7) Egg yolk1 large: 0.46 mg (3% DV)
    8) Prunes1 cup: 1.6 mg (8% DV)
    9) Artichokes1 cup: 2 mg (11% DV)
    10) Collard greens1 cup: 0.17 mg (1% DV)
    If you are iron deficient consume 2-3 servings daily of these iron food sources.

    Top Health Benefits of Iron

    EnergyAn iron deficiency is known as anemia. When there is not enough iron, the body cannot make hemoglobin which will result in light-colored red blood cells that cannot transport oxygen.
    Symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia include lack of energy, poor mental function, and apathy. Pre-menopausal women and children are likely to get anemia if they are not consuming enough high iron foods.
    Muscle FunctionWithout iron, the primary cells in the muscles, called myoglobin, cannot hold oxygen. Without oxygen, these cells will not be able to function properly, resulting in muscle weakness.
    Brain FunctionThe brain is very dependent on oxygen for proper function. If iron is not present, the brain will not receive the oxygen it needs resulting in poor memory, decreased productivity, and apathy.
    Children with iron deficiency tend to become irritable, restless, and are unable to pay attention in class. These symptoms will disappear once iron levels are restored.
    Healthy PregnancyPregnant women should consume more iron rich foods than anyone else.  Pregnant women’s iron needs are around 27mg daily and this is often covered in a pre-natal multi-vitamin.  Also, pregnant women should consider consuming more healthy fat and folate rich foods during pregnancy.

    Adorable Cats Love Hugging Compilation 2015 || AHF

    Recipe For Healthy Chocolate Frosting:


    • 1 ripe avocado
    • 1/4 cup raw local honey
    • 1/3 cup raw cacao powder
    • 4 Medjool dates (found in the produce section)


    Place dates in the blender first with the raw, local honey. Pulse until smooth. Then add avocado. Process until smooth. Finish with the raw cacao and blend until well incorporated and has a frosting-like consistency. Frost as normal! Firms up great in the refrigerator and can last up to one week.

    The Top 8 Foods That Blast Fat.

    1. Avocados

    Avocados are high in healthy, fat-burning monounsaturated fat that helps reduce weight and increase optimal health. Avocados contain a rare form of sugar,(found primarily in avocados) called mannoheptulose. Mannoheptulose helps to lower excess insulin levels that can prevent you from storing fat.

    2. Wild Salmon

    Salmon is a treasure trove of weight loss goodies. It contains healthy omega 3 fats that help to reduce and reverse the fat cell inflammation result from weight gain. It is also high in protein. Protein is one key to triggering specific hormones such as CCK to help you feel as if you have had enough to eat. Protein also helps to synthesize muscle and muscle is metabolically active – helping you to burn calories even at rest.

    3. Raw nuts

    Raw nuts Like nuts? You are in luck if you want to lose weight. Eat any kind of nuts for fiber to ward off hunger and to also get a good dose of protein and healthy fats to help you burn fat faster. Raw nuts such as raw pistachios, brazil nuts or almonds help to produce more testosterone naturally. Make sure you eat raw & organic nuts instead of roasted & salted to get the full weight loss and nutrition benefits.

    4. Hot Peppers and Mustard

    Hot Peppers and Mustard add where you can, Chili peppers, jalapeno peppers, cayenne peppers or 1 tsp. hot mustard to increase your fat burning metabolism by 20-25%% for up to 3 hours after eating. Hot peppers and mustards can help reduce your appetite by increasing your body’s norepinephrine and epinephrine levels.

    5. Green Tea

    Green tea is more than just flavored hot water when it comes to weight loss. This special tea, research shows, is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins. The most important of these is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a substance that boosts metabolism. To achieve weight loss benefits drink 2-3 cups a day. Also, compounds in green tea increase levels of hormones that tell fat cells to break down fat. This releases fat into the bloodstream and makes it available to utilize as energy.

    6. Olive Oil

    Olive Oil there are a lot of healthy reasons to add olive oil to your grocery list for optimal health, but for weight loss, oleic acid in olive oil exerts a mighty effect that takes place in the small intestine. The oleic acid is transformed in the small intestine into a compound called OEA (oleoylethanolamide) that stops hunger and suppresses appetite by sending signals to your brain telling it you’re full.

    7. Garbanzo Beans (chickpeas)

    Garbanzo beans also known as chickpeas, these slimming beans pack more than 2 grams of Resistant Starch per half-cup serving. Resistant starch is just another type of dietary fiber that very effectively makes you feel fuller longer. Garbanzo beans are also a great source of fiber and protein.

    8. Nutrients

    Okay, not a food but studies show that those who are deficient in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Magnesium and Zinc, have a higher percentage of body fat and belly fat and if that isn’t bad enough..these deficiencies can create bodies that can stubbornly hold on to fat.

    The above foods are not only remarkable in helping you to lose weight, they are also an important part ofcreating optimal health. Go ahead and add them to your shopping list so you have them on hand and watch them help kick weight gain to the curb.

    Wednesday, June 17, 2015

    Its all about LOVE..

    I love you


    Monochromatic cream
    50 Hot New Looks For Spring 2014 - Style Estate -

    Homemade Extract

    Vanilla Extract
    • 2-3 Vanilla beans, split lengthwise
    • 3/4 cup - Vodka
    • glass bottle with lid/cork
    1. Pick a glass bottle that can hold a whole vanilla bean. Clean and dry completely. Place vanilla beans in the bottle and cover completely with vodka. Seal well and place in a cool, dark place in your kitchen. Give it a shake every day or so for the first week. 
    Notes: Within 3 days you will begin to notice a light brown color and the extract was strong enough to use within 2 weeks. A month would be ideal but if you want to use it sooner start off with extra vanilla beans. I used 4-5 beans in my current batch and add more vodka as I use some of it. I buy my vanilla beans on Amazon from this supplier, its a great deal and the quality has been great. You can use vanilla beans in the extract for recipes as well. They will be super moist and you can squeeze out the seeds easily.

    Lemon/Orange Extract
    • 1-2 - whole organic lemons or 1 orange
    • 3/4 cup - Vodka
    • glass bottle with lid/cork
    1. Wash and dry fruit thoroughly before peeling off the thin outer layer. If any white pith remains, slice it off with a paring knife as they tend to add bitterness. Fill the bottle with peels and cover completely with vodka. Seal well and place in a cool, dark place in your kitchen. Shake the bottle gently one a day for 2-3 days. Check for readiness after a week or continue to steep longer.
    Notes: Use organic fruit or fruit not treated with pesticides or wax coating since we will be using just the peels here. I wanted the extract to have a strong citrus flavor and used a high zest to vodka ratio. Some recipes I saw online suggested straining the extract after a month but I've had mine steeping for about 3 months now it had not turned bitter on me. But do check on your batch and strain if needed after you are satisfied with the flavor.

    Adopt a dog


    Boxes Into Baskets

    • boxes into baskets, crafts, organizing, storage ideas
    This basket is made from an ordinary cardboard box, 4 ply jute, a hot glue gun, many glue sticks, and a whole lot of love.
    • boxes into baskets, crafts, organizing, storage ideas
    First, using scissors, I cut the flaps off the box.
    • boxes into baskets, crafts, organizing, storage ideas
    Next, I wrapped my sad, flap-less box with the jute, gluing every bit of it along the way.
    • boxes into baskets, crafts, organizing, storage ideas
    Then, I continued wrapping and wrapping and wrapping.
    Finally, when I reach the top, I was so excited, as if I had just climbed my way to the peak of Mt. Everest.
    • boxes into baskets, crafts, organizing, storage ideas
    To finish off the basket, I quickly whipped up a custom size liner using inexpensive, white muslin fabric.
    • boxes into baskets, crafts, organizing, storage ideas
    I love the look and it really didn’t take too long. Now, I just need to make a few more of these to shove on my bathroom shelves.

    May you weave into a brilliant and beautiful Life....


