Sunday, January 3, 2021

Poem written during the plague epidemic in 1800.


I found it fit for the moment, the beauty of this poem written 2 centuries ago.
′′ When the storm passes,
the roads get torn up,
And we are survivors
of a collective wreck,
With the tearful heart
and destiny blessed
We will feel blessed
Just by being alive.
And we will give a hug to the first unknown
And praise the luck of keeping a friend.
And then we will remember everything we lost and at once we will learn everything we have not learned.
We will no longer be envious for all suffered.
We will no longer have a hardened heart
We will all be more compassionate.
It will be worth more what is from everyone than what I never could.
We will be more generous
And much more committed
We will understand how fragile we are, and what we are
means to be alive!
Let's feel empathy for who is and who is gone.
We will miss the old man who asked for handouts in the market, who we never knew the name and was always by our side.
And maybe the poor old man was God in disguise...
But you never asked his name
Because I was in a rush...
And everything will be a miracle!
And everything will be a legacy
And the life we earn will be respected!
When the storm passes
I ask God, with sadness,
May you make us better.
how you ′′ us ′′ dreamed.

(K. O ' Meara - Poem written during the plague epidemic in 1800)

Juice Which Melts The Pounds While You Are Reading A Book?


Yes, indeed, that is possible by using the healing properties of honey mixed with cinnamon. Very few people know that the combination of these two ingredients speeds up metabolism and helps in weight loss.

Honey  helps boost and speed up the metabolism which helps the body burn fat.

Honey has a healthier glycemic index (GI) than sugar, therefore it doesn’t cause a sugar rush, but it is gradually and progressively absorbed into our body.

Cinnamon stabilizes blood sugar levels and increases the metabolism of glucose. Since high blood sugar levels can lead to increased storage of fat, cinnamon helps prevent this.

Cinnamon improves insulin function. Thus, you lose weight

The cinnamon and local honey clean parasites, fungus and bacteria in the digestive tract.

You will also have a feeling of fullness and satiety.

 For the preparation of this drink, you need only two spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon and 250 ml of water.

The recommended amount can be changed, but you must always use two measures of honey and one of cinnamon.

Prepare as much drink as you think you need. To begin, boil the water and pour it over the cinnamon, cover the glass and let the mixture cool.

You can add the honey when the water is cool, and keep in mind that you should never add honey in boiled water.

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All In The Mind

Top 10 Iron Rich Foods

Iron is a trace mineral found in every living cell in our bodies. Iron is a primary component of two proteins: hemoglobin and myoglobin.

Hemoglobin is the part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen to the body’s tissues.

Myoglobin is the part of the muscle cells that hold oxygen.

Since iron plays such a critical role in the body, the liver and bone marrow are able to store some iron in case it is needed.

It must be stored inside specialized proteins because free iron can cause damage to the body’s tissues.

Iron deficiency symptoms include:

·         Weakness

·         Fatigue

·         Poor concentration

·         Weakened immune system

·         Leaky Gut or IBS

Consuming high iron foods are important for Pre-menopausal women have higher iron needs than men due to monthly blood losses.

If you are low in Iron it is also critical to get plenty of vitamin C in your diet since it increases iron absorption. The RDA for iron is 8mg/day for men and older women, while pre-menopausal women need 18 mg/day and the Daily Value is 18mg.

Top 10 Iron Rich Foods List

1) Liver3 oz: 5.6 mg (31% DV)

2) Beef steak3 oz: 1.8 mg (10% DV)

3) Navy beans½ c: 2.3 mg (13% DV)

4) Black beans½ c:  1.8 mg (10% DV)

5) Spinach½ c: 3.2 mg (18% DV)

6) Swiss chard½ c: 2.0 mg (11% DV)

7) Egg yolk1 large: 0.46 mg (3% DV)

8) Prunes1 cup: 1.6 mg (8% DV)

9) Artichokes1 cup: 2 mg (11% DV)

10) Collard greens1 cup: 0.17 mg (1% DV)

If you are iron deficient consume 2-3 servings daily of these iron food sources.

Top Health Benefits of Iron

EnergyAn iron deficiency is known as anemia. When there is not enough iron, the body cannot make hemoglobin which will result in light-colored red blood cells that cannot transport oxygen.

Symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia include lack of energy, poor mental function, and apathy. Pre-menopausal women and children are likely to get anemia if they are not consuming enough high iron foods.

Muscle FunctionWithout iron, the primary cells in the muscles, called myoglobin, cannot hold oxygen. Without oxygen, these cells will not be able to function properly, resulting in muscle weakness.

Brain FunctionThe brain is very dependent on oxygen for proper function. If iron is not present, the brain will not receive the oxygen it needs resulting in poor memory, decreased productivity, and apathy.

Children with iron deficiency tend to become irritable, restless, and are unable to pay attention in class. These symptoms will disappear once iron levels are restored.

Healthy PregnancyPregnant women should consume more iron rich foods than anyone else.  Pregnant women’s iron needs are around 27mg daily and this is often covered in a pre-natal multi-vitamin.  Also, pregnant women should consider consuming more healthy fat and folate rich foods during pregnancy.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

6 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise In No Time

Belly fat around the stomach area is highly recommended by doctors all around the world to eliminate. It can expand and rest on top of your organs which spells disaster. It expands into the abdomen and is also called visceral fat. Visceral fat releases cytokines, which are inflammatory molecules. It also causes the brain to release cortisol, the stress hormone. All of these substances are detrimental to your body and obesity is not your biggest worry. Instead, it actually affects the natural production of insulin and can lead to health issues such as heart disease or Type 2 diabetes.

To eliminate this fat, many people lean towards options like counting calories, controlling their portion intake, and doing cardiovascular exercise. However, some other options which are non-traditional can also help. Some of these include eating carbs, relaxing and shrinking the stomach, and drinking wine. Try some of these tips and lose that belly flab without exercise.

1.Eating Carbs

You may have heard that you should cut carbs. It’s actually quite the opposite and you can lose that belly fat without exercising. Try to consume only dark bread, cereal fiber, couscous, and bulgur wheat and there’s no need to workout. Increasing whole grain consumption actually will naturally reduce the intake of other foods because these are satisfying and makes other foods harder to digest. This will make you fill fuller faster and longer and you will begin to eat less.

2.Eat Dairy

By choosing three servings of dairy food on a daily basis, you can lose more weight than you normally would if you reduced calories or took calcium supplements. Instead, choose cheese, milk, and yogurt daily. According to research, three cups a day for 12 weeks will cause more weight loss than just dieting. Fat cells create cortisol and can cause more belly fat. However, the yogurt halts that and allows you to lose the belly fat faster. Linoleic acid is also in dairy foods which aids in belly fat elimination.


It’s true, if you only sleep six hours a night, you can gain more weight than someone who sleeps eight hours. In case you’re a light sleeper, you need to know that you are at risk to obesity. This is generally due to the fact that when you sleep, the hormones which cause hunger, leptin and gherlin, balance out. If you lack sleep, then these hormones kick into gear and make you have an appetite and makes your stomach not feel full. Additional research shows that women who sleep and wake up at the same time every day don’t have as much of the excessive belly fat as other women. If you have bad sleeping habits, the body will start to produce cortisol and other hormones that affect fat storage. Once you start to sleep well, you’ll notice a difference.

4.Start Drinking Wine

When a woman kicks back a beer or two, a glass of wine or two, or a cocktail or two on a daily basis actually weigh less. This is because when women drink, they don’t eat as much. Also, women do not break down alcohol as efficiently and then fewer calories are actually burned.

5.Drink Water

To lose weight, you have to drink water. In fact, if you drink two cups of water before eating, you might actually lose weight faster because you feel fuller. Also, avoid all the sugary drinks and save the calories by just drinking water and staying hydrated. You will keep yourself from overeating and this will help your system flush out some of the toxins through the kidneys. This helps all your organs in healthy working conditions.

6.Eliminate Sugar

The best choice for eliminating belly fat is to eat whole grains, veggies, and proteins rather than processed foods. Also, try to add flavor to oatmeal, coffee or tea with cinnamon instead of sugar. This actually helps to balance blood sugar levels. Oatmeal and cinnamon powder slows the rate of food exiting the stomach which results in you feeling fuller longer.

So with these tips, you can change your diet and lose weight. The best part is that you don’t necessarily have to exercise if you don’t want to in order to lose that belly fat. There’s no reason you shouldn’t change your lifestyle for the better.

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How does blood type diet work?


D’Adamo says that ever individual has its own way of responding to foods, which is connected to the blood type. According him, lectins, or carbohydrate-binding proteins, attach to different blood type in a different way. The reaction between lectins and blood types can sometimes harm health.

The doctor explained certain changes and side-effects in his book, but his main goal was to analyze which food are suitable for each blood type, and of course, the amount in which they should be consumed.

Four basic blood types

1. Blood type A

20,000 years ago, in the developing stage of agriculture, this blood type went through the change of a lifetime. People with this blood type should be vegetarians, and they are also referred to as “the agrarians.”

People with blood type A should avoid meat, and eat more fruits, veggies, beans, legumes and whole grains.

In other words, organic and fresh foods are the real deal for these people, because they have a sensitive immunity.

2. Blood type O

Dating since 30,000 years ago, this is the oldest blood type. Unlike other blood types, it requires protein-high nutrition. These are “the hunters.”

People with blood type 0 should eat protein-loaded foods, including lean meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. They should avoid grains, beans and dairy products. To treat stomach ache and other health problems these individuals should take different supplements.

3. Blood type B

“The nomads” can adapt to dairy products and have the most versatile digestive tract. This blood type appeared 10,000 years ago.

People with blood type B should avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. According to D’Adamo, chicken can also cause some health problems. He recommends consuming large amounts of vegetables, eggs, certain meat and low-fat dairy products.

4. Blood type AB

These are “the enigmas,” because this blood type is only 1,000 years ago. As this is the most recently developed type, the diet varies between blood type A and B.

People with blood type AB should eat tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. D’Adamo says that these people struggle with heartburn, and they should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked meat.

If you still have not determined your blood type, ask your doctor.

Food recommendations for each blood type:

Blood type A

Foods to eat: vegetables, whole grains (not pasta or bread), berries, figs, avocados, apples and peaches. Nuts and soy are the only proteins allowed.

Foods to avoid: any kind of meat, dairy products, and kidney beans.

Blood type O

Foods to eat: red meat, poultry (chicken, turkey), seafood and other proteins. Speaking of veggies, eat more kale, spinach, kelp and broccoli.

Foods to avoid: legumes (beans, peanuts, lentils), dairy products, eggs, wheat and grains.

Blood type B

Foods to eat: fruits, green vegetables, certain grains, red meat, fish, turkey.

Foods to avoid: seeds, chicken, peanuts, lentils, corn, and buckwheat.

Blood type AB

Foods to eat: turkey, tofu, seafood and fish, vegetables, beans, watermelon, figs, apples, bananas, legumes.

Foods to avoid: buckwheat, corn, red meat (causes stomach acid). Be careful when consuming alcohol and caffeine.

Organic food is great for all blood types. Ask a nutritionist to help you improve your diet. Food groups are strict, and you do not have to worry about excess calories. Learn more about the positive and negative effect of the food you eat. If the members of your family have different diet, the Atkins diet is the real solution for you as it avoids entire food groups.

Nutrition for one blood type fits one person, but it is unsuitable for other. To understand the whole concept, read Dr Adamo’s book. Ask your doctor or nutritionist for an advice, and introduce some healthy changes into your diet. Be careful if you are dealing with a special health condition.


Other included sources linked in Healthy Food House’s article: Natural Cures Not Medicine – Original Article Source

30 Day Butt and Gut Workout