Friday, February 8, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Paper Dolls
Paper dolls have been around as long as there has been paper. Faces
or other objects were applied to the paper and they were used during
religious rituals and ceremonies in the Asian cultures many centuries
The Japanese used paper for Origami, artful paper folding, and dating back to 800 AD they folded paper figurines in the shape of Kimono. Balinese people made paper and leather into puppets since before the Christian Era. Other cultures around the world have had paper formations or paper art, including in Poland, where they were called Wy'cinanki. These early types of paper figures differ from typical paper dolls today, as no clothes were made to be used with the dolls.
In Europe, particularly France, the first paper dolls were made during the mid-18th century. The paper was jointed and they were called pantins meaning dancing or jumping jack puppet. They were intended to entertain adults and spread throughout high society. They were drawn or painted like people with fashions for each doll. These were more similar to contemporary Western paper dolls. Rare hand-painted sets of paper figures dating to the late 1780s can be found in some museums today.
The biggest American producer of paper dolls, McLoughlin Brothers, was founded in early 1800 and was sold to Milton Bradley in 1920s. Around this time paper dolls became popular in the USA and then grew in popularity in the following decades.
Book publishing companies that followed in the production of paper dolls or cut-outs were Lowe, Whitman, Saalfield and Merrill among others. Movie stars and celebrities became the focus in the early days of paper dolls in the USA. Paper dolls are still produced today and Whitman and Golden Co. still publish paper dolls.
Vintage paper dolls with hand-painted artwork are becoming increasingly rare due to paper aging issues.
They have become collectible, and the prices for mint uncut sets can be between $100 and up to over $500 for a sought after title.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Japanese used paper for Origami, artful paper folding, and dating back to 800 AD they folded paper figurines in the shape of Kimono. Balinese people made paper and leather into puppets since before the Christian Era. Other cultures around the world have had paper formations or paper art, including in Poland, where they were called Wy'cinanki. These early types of paper figures differ from typical paper dolls today, as no clothes were made to be used with the dolls.
In Europe, particularly France, the first paper dolls were made during the mid-18th century. The paper was jointed and they were called pantins meaning dancing or jumping jack puppet. They were intended to entertain adults and spread throughout high society. They were drawn or painted like people with fashions for each doll. These were more similar to contemporary Western paper dolls. Rare hand-painted sets of paper figures dating to the late 1780s can be found in some museums today.
The biggest American producer of paper dolls, McLoughlin Brothers, was founded in early 1800 and was sold to Milton Bradley in 1920s. Around this time paper dolls became popular in the USA and then grew in popularity in the following decades.
Book publishing companies that followed in the production of paper dolls or cut-outs were Lowe, Whitman, Saalfield and Merrill among others. Movie stars and celebrities became the focus in the early days of paper dolls in the USA. Paper dolls are still produced today and Whitman and Golden Co. still publish paper dolls.
Vintage paper dolls with hand-painted artwork are becoming increasingly rare due to paper aging issues.
They have become collectible, and the prices for mint uncut sets can be between $100 and up to over $500 for a sought after title.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Monday, February 4, 2013
Bolo de Bolacha de Chocolate
- 1L de leite
- 1 lata de leite condensado
- 6 gemas
- 3 colheres de sopa de farinha maizena
- 4 colheres de sopa de chocolate em pó
- 7 colheres de sopa de açúcar
- 1 pitada de sal fino
- 400g de bolachas tipo maria
- 3 dl de café pronto
Para o creme, misturar todos os ingredientes com uma vara de arames, excepto as bolachas e o café.
Levar ao lume, mexendo sempre até ferver. Deixar arrefecer.
Colocar um aro sobre um prato. No fundo, dispor um pouco de creme.
Passar as bolachas pelo café e colocar dentro do aro. Colocar um pouco de creme a cobrir as bolachas, dispor mais uma camada de bolachas passadas por café, e assim sucessivamente até terminar as bolachas.
Barrar o bolo com o restante creme e levar ao frio.
Depois de desenformar, decorar com bolachas partidas e raspas de chocolate.
Receita de Bifes de Frango Panados
1 kg de fifes de peito de frango
1 limão
sal e pimenta a gosto
2 ovos batidos
pão ralado q.b.
Lave e tempere o frango com sal e um pouco de pimenta.
Esprema o sumo do limão sobre frango e deixe marinar durante 2 horas.
Coloque num prato pão ralado e noutro os ovos batidos.
Passe o frango pelo ovo, depois pelo pão ralado e reserve.
Aqueça o óleo numa frigideira.
Quando estiver bem quente, frite os bifes de frango já panados, virando aos poucos e com cuidado.
Reserve numa travessa com papel de cozinah absorvente.
Quando todos estiverem panados. Decore com rodelas de limão e sirva acompanhado de um arroz branco e salada a gosto.
Rabanadas com leite condensado
3 pães franceses dormidos
2 xícaras de chá de leite
1/2 xícara de chá de açúcar
1/2 lata de leite condensado
Óleo ( quanto necessário para fritar)
2 colheres de sopa de canela em pó
3 ovos
Corte os pães em fatias e reserve
Coloque o leite e o leite condensado numa tigela e mexa em com uma colher
Coloque os ovos numa outra tigela e bata com um garfo até ficar homogêneo
Coloque o óleo numa panela média leve ao fogo alto para esquentar
Coloque algumas fatias de pão dentro da tigela com leite e deixe encharcar por 1 minuto de cada lado
Retire os pães do leite e coloque sobre uma peneira para pingar o excesso de líquido
Retire as fatias da peneira, passe pelo ovo batido e frite imediatamente
Frite as fatias por 2 minutos de cada lado, ou até que comecem a dourar
Repita a operação com cada fatia
Retire os pães com uma escumadeira e coloque sobre papel absorvente
Se o óleo começar a ficar muito sujo, passe por uma peneira forrada com um pano limpo ou com algodão
Coloque o açúcar e a canela num prato e misture
Envolva cada fatia pela mistura
Sirva a seguir
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
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