Stand misfortune on its head.
Turn it into something good.
Don't let the disappointments get you down. Let them get you going, even stronger than before.
After all, life is how you look at it. Look at it all as an opportunity for grace and joy and fulfilment.
After all, life is how you look at it. Look at it all as an opportunity for grace and joy and fulfilment.
Every single time you feel like complaining about how bad things are, there's a much more powerful option. Visualize how truly good life can be and then take a bold, enthusiastic step in that direction.
Every situation is a situation in which you can choose to prosper. Every challenge helps to form the structure upon which you can build grand and meaningful success.
When anything pushes against you, choose to let it push you up. Every occasion is your occasion to brightly shine. ~ Ralph Marston