Monday, April 29, 2013

Angel at the post office responds to young girl's heartfelt letter after loss of beloved dog -

When the Scrivener family lost Abbey, their much beloved 14-year-old dog to liver cancer, it affected their 4-year-old Meredith deeply. She approached her parents with pen and paper and said that she wanted to write a letter to God. 

With the help of her mother, Joy, Meredith wrote the letter and together they mailed it off at their neighborhood's post office in Brook Hollow, Texas. The letter was addressed "To: God in Heaven," and included the family's return address and some photos of Abbey, so God would recognize her. Meredith added extra stamps to the letter, given the distance it had to go. 

Two weeks later the family returned home to find a gold-wrapped package on their front porch. The mysterious package was addressed to Meredith and signed 'God, and one of his special angels'. 
When Meredith opened the package, inside was the Fred Rogers book When a Pet Dies and a response to her letter on pink paper and Abbey's photos attached. 

Here is Meredith's letter and the reply she received:

Dear God,
Will you please take care of our dog, Abbey? She died yesterday and she is in heaven now. We hope that Abbey is OK now and that she isn't sick anymore. We love you for letting us have Abbey even though she died. We are sending pictures of Abbey in the little envelopes so that you can see what she looks like and you will know her when you see her. 

Love, Meredith Claire.
PS: Mommy wrote it after Mer told her the words.

Dear Meredith,

I know you will be happy to know that Abbey arrived safely and soundly in Heaven. Having the picture you sent was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away.
You know, Mer, she isn’t sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me, just like it stays in your heart - young and running and playing. Abbey loved being your dog, you know. Since we don't need our bodies in Heaven, I don’t have any pockets, so I am sending your beautiful letter back with the pictures so you will have this little memory book to keep.

Thank you for your beautiful letter. Thank your mother for sending it. What a wonderful mother you have; I picked her just for you. 

God, and one of his special angels who wrote this letter after God told her the words.

Meredith's parents were surprised and deeply touched that someone took the care to help ease Meredith's grief at losing Abbey. Joy originally shared her story with the San Antonio Express-News and later told United Methodist Reporter that Meredith was not at all stunned liker her parents were upon receiving a response to her letter. "When she received the package, she was happy, but she wasn't surprised," Joy said. "There was no doubt in Meredith's mind that her letter was going to heaven."
Meredith's letter was written in 2006 and Meredith is now 10-years-old. She is "doing great" and "still has a big heart for animals" according to her mom. She and her family have two new canine friends in the home with a collie and a terrier. And Meredith and her angel’s exchange of letters continue to be shared online, touching many with its simple message of kindness and love.

 See more at:

Brides Hairstyles

Face lift......

Fun Fact from Classic Beauty: Did you know that women in the early 1900s used contraptions called "lift bands" to create the effect of a temporary face lift by securing the skin with rubber bands, glue, and thread?

Some dating advice is truly timeless!

Evite o leite… pela sua saúde!

  smart-jug-sends-text_11As indústrias de lacticínios americanas gastaram rios de dinheiro para convencer o público em geral que o leite é necessário por razões de saúde, mas o que não nos disseram é que para os adultos o consumo de leite animal pode estimular doenças coronárias, obesidades, diabetes, cancro de mama, próstata e cólon, doenças autoimunes, osteoporose, algumas doenças da retina e dos rins, diabetes tipo 1 em crianças predispostas, em que o pâncreas sofre uma destruição autoimune. Por isso, o alimento pode e deve ser evitado, sem prejuízo para o organismo.

O leite, particularmente o de vaca, é a mais comum das alergias a alimentos [Fonte: Rona, Nowak-Wegrzyn]. Mesmo quando não se é alérgico o leite é frequentemente intolerado no tracto intestinal [Fonte: Nowak-Wegrzyn] e o problema vai muito além da intolerância à lactose pois este provoca inchaço intestinal, prisão de ventre e refluxo. Clinicamente, o leite, está ainda ligado ao aumento de problemas de pele (eczema), sinusite, enxaquecas e dores nas articulações [Fonte:  Grant].
Na realidade o leite é muito mais do que uma bebida, é um fenómeno cultural e industrial passível de ser analisado ao longo da história das civilizações.
O mito do leite espalhou-se pelo mundo baseado na crença de que é rico em proteínas e cálcio e essencial para a saúde, especialmente dos ossos. Todavia os estudos mostram que são mais os malefícios e os efeitos nefastos à saúde do que os benefícios. Surpreendentemente não só o corpo humano é incapaz de absorver o cálcio do leite de vaca (especialmente pasteurizado), mas também ficou já provado que o leite pode aumentar as perdas de cálcio nos ossos. Irónico?!


Como todas as proteínas animais o leite aumenta a acidez do pH do corpo humano que por seu lado despoleta uma correcção biológica natural.  É que o cálcio é um excelente neutralizador de acidez e o maior armazém de cálcio do corpo é exactamente o esqueleto. Assim, o mesmo cálcio que os nossos ossos necessitam para se manterem fortes e saudáveis vai ser usado para neutralizar a acidez provocada pela ingestão de leite. Uma vez destacado dos ossos para equilibrar o pH, o cálcio é expelido pela urina causando um efeito surpreendetemente contrário ao que é advogado pelas indústrias leiteiras.
Sabendo tudo isto percebemos finalmente porque os países com menor consumo de lacticínios são também aqueles que possuem menor incidência de fracturas ósseas na população. É triste ver que os profissionais de saúde continuam a ignorar estes factos comprovados

O leite de vaca é para vitelos!

Graças à nossa ingenuidade e talvez aos instintos de sobrevivência adoptamos o acto dúbio de beber o leite de outras espécies. Ninguém nega a eficácia e pertinência do leite de vaca para os vitelos, mas ao contrário dos humanos estes deixam de consumir leite definitivamente uma vez que estejam crescidos… e o mesmo se aplica a todos os mamíferos à face do planeta. Além disso cada espécie de mamífero é o próprio ‘designer’ do seu leite que serve exactamente para a sua espécie, e isto aplica-se ao leite de vaca que contém três vezes mais proteínas que o leite humano o que obviamente tem de provocar distúrbios metabólicos nos humanos que erradamente o consomem.
Para quem insiste em manter os lacticínios na sua dieta fique pelo menos a saber que o que compram no supermercado está muito longe de ser saudável. As vacas leiteiras recebem diariamente hormonas de crescimento e de simulação de gravidez para aumentar a produção de leite, bem como antibióticos vários para diminuir infecções provocadas pelos mais variados mecanismos e químicos a que estão expostas. Estes materiais obrigatoriamente contaminam o leite e o seu impacto para os seres humanos que o consomem é ainda desconhecido.


Concluindo, e como explica o famoso Save Our Bones Program,ao contrário do que diz a corrente, os media e os profissionais de saúde rebanhados a repetir unicamente o que ouvem sem tentar perceber se é correcto ou não… beber leite e consumir lacticínios não é uma resposta ou uma reversão à osteoporose ou outras deficiências, bem pelo contrário.
No meio de tudo isto ressalva-se apenas que lacticínios naturalmente processados e sem adição de açúcares ou adoçantes estão já livres de acidez e os estudos atestam que o iogurte, as natas e o kefir que não possuem rBGH (hormona) têm francos benefícios para a saúde humana.

Fica o aviso… saia da corrente! Investigue e pondere não consumir leite, pela sua saúde!

Fonte: A Cidade, SaveOurBones, HowStuffWorks

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Homemade Beauty Tips

Homemade beauty tips are always the way to healthy skin and hair. You might be reading the latest magazine and visiting the branded stores for the latest beauty product. The right product from the market might help you to enhance the glow in your skin. But it is more important to focus on the homemade beauty tips. The tips on beauty from home will last for ever and they are simple. Any product chosen from the market will have unwanted chemicals in it. But the homemade beauty tips are free from all chemicals.

Beauty Tips from Grand moms

We can refer to them as Granny’s tips. Generation after generation people have followed these beauty tips. These tips have passed the test of time. They are the secret to healthy hair and glowing skin.
  1. Homemade exfoliation: Take ground apricots and fresh cream. Make a paste out of it. Use it two times a week.
  2. Pimples and blackheads: Use glycerin, lime juice and rose water. Apply the paste at night. This will help you to get rid of pimples and blackheads.
  3. Lip pigmentation: Use a paste made of almonds and castor oil. Apply it on your lips before you go to bed. This will soften your lips and remove pigmentation.
  4. Dark Circles: To remove dark circles, make a paste with coconut oil and castor oil. Rub this with your finger till the oil is absorbed.
  5. Natural Conditioning: Mix honey and cream. Apply this to the hair ends to get a smooth feeling. Make sure that you don’t apply this to the hair roots.
  6. Natural Scrub: Make a natural scrub to soften your hands and legs. Take coarse sea salt, almond oil, lavender essential oil and water. Make a paste out of it. Apply the paste on your hands and legs for 15-20 minutes. You will get a fresh feeling once you wash off the paste.
  7. Hair Glow: You would surely like to add an extra glow to your hair. After to use shampoo and conditioner add few drops of vinegar in water and wash your hair. Absorb the water in a towel.
  8. Exercise: You must exercise for at least 30 minutes two times a week.
  9. Water: Drink at least 8-9 glasses of water everyday to have healthy hair and skin.
  10. Tips for eyes: You can reduce the puffiness in your eyes by using castor oil. You will get a fresh feeling in your eyes with castor oil.
  11. Cucumbers for eyes: You can cut cucumber slices and keep it on your eye lids. This will give you an everlasting feeling of freshness. On the other hand, cotton absorbed in cold milk can also be used on the eye lids to get a fresh feeling.
  12. Rose Water for eyes: Rose water is very refreshing for the eyes. Apply few drops of rose water in your eyes before you go to sleep everyday. This will give a refreshing feeling in your eyes.
  13. Chapping Lips: To avoid chapping lips, use hot water fermentation. Then apply Vaseline with honey. You may apply this three times a week.
  14. Soft Lips: To keep your lips soft make a mixture of rose petals and milk butter.
  15. Lemon on hands: With age you might get marks on your hand. To avoid this you can rub a piece of lemon on your hands.
  16. Powder in hair: At times you might find it difficult to shampoo your hair before you are going outdoors. In such a scenario you can use a tablespoon of talcum powder or corn flour in your hair. Brush the powder in your hair.
  17. Hair fall: To prevent hair fall you may drink biotin rich drink. This drink will include banana, honey, yogurt and low fat milk. Try and drink this mix often.
  18. Set hair: To set your hair you may use a dry blower. This will help you to set your hair inward or outward. It should not look uneven.
  19. Oatmeal, honey and yogurt treatment : At your own home you can make a fantastic face mask. You just have to take some drops of honey, 1 tablespoon ground oatmeal, 1 tablespoon organic yogurt. Blend oatmeal and yogurt together well. Take some honey and warm it in a spoon. Now add honey to the mixture and prepare a fantastic face mask. Apply this on the face and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. After washing the face, you will get the wonderful glowing skin. For any skin type woman, this therapy is best.
  20. Scrub using ginger and cinnamon :Take ½ tablespoon of ground ginger, ½ tablespoon of ground cinnamon. Mix these with 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup almond oil or olive oil. This homemade natural mixture would word as a good exfoliator for the skin. Using this product, you can remove dead skin cells and dirts from the skin.
  21. Rose water and dark circle : With the help of a cotton ball and rose water, you can treat under eye dark circle. You have to soak the cotton ball in the rose water. Now apply it on the dark circles. Wait for at least 5 to 10 minutes and wash your face. Applying this daily on the affected area, you can cure dark circle naturally.
  22. Avocado Hair Conditioner : Hair conditioner helps to nourish the hair. To give the hair wonderful treatment, you have to mash an avocado. Mix aloe vera, lemon juice, sea salt in it. Using this paste on the hair, you can naturally bring shine and glow. It makes the hair smooth. Try this homemade easy process and enhance your hair texture.
  23. Henna Hair Therapy : At home, use a simple hair care treatments. Take some water and boil tea leaves in it. When it becomes warm, add lemon juice, curd, an egg, henna powder. Blend all of them properly and make a paste. Apply it on the hair. It will offer great beauty care treatment on your hair. You can get rid of dandruff, hair fall, hair loss problem. A smooth effect will add on your hair. It will be looked shiny and glowing.

Homemade Beauty Treatments

  1. Treatment for acne: There are people you are facing acne problem. You can resolve the problem by using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. First wash your face. Then absorb apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in cotton. Apply the mix on your face. Repeat this process quiet often. This will help you to remove acne.
  2. Homemade face mask: If you can make face packs which are made from natural ingredients. The homemade packs are best for your skin. Take cucumber juice. Mix fresh curd in it. Apply the curd on your face. This will make the skin glow and you will have a bright and fresh feeling.
  3. The magic of turmeric: Turmeric has been used by women from prehistoric time. Mix orange juice and turmeric. Apply it on your face. This will help as a natural scrub and enhance your skin complexion too.

Homemade Hair Care Remedies

  1. 1.Gram flour, coconut milk: Dry hair and dandruff problems can be cured with gram flour and coconut milk. Make a paste with the two ingredients. Apply the paste on your scalp. Repeat the process once in a week. This will nourish the hair and kill dandruff.
  2. Lemon juice for hair: Lemon juice and banyan tree root will help in reducing hair fall. Mix banyan tree root and lemon juice. Apply the mix in your hair. This will reduce hair fall and your hair will also grow fast. You must repeat the process often in a month.

Manicure and Pedicure

  1. Lemon juice will help in manicure and pedicure. Add few drops of lemon juice in hot water. Dip your feet and fingers in them for 15-20 minutes. It will give you a fresh feeling and your hand and your feet will also get cleansed.
Homemade remedies for skin and hair is much more useful than using any other product from the market.

Numerous Natural Beauty Recipes

Face mask with cucumber and curd
Face mask offers a fabulous treatment to the skin. You can improve your skin texture with the help of natural face mask. Take cucumber and some curd. Extract the juice from cucumber. Mix the two substances well. Now use on the face. It will create fantastic glow to the skin. Try the method for at least once in a week, you will greatly enhance your skin. For brighter complexion, include this recipe in your beauty care regime.
Body Scrub using Ginger and Cinnamon
Take ½ tablespoon of ground ginger, 1 cup sea salt, 1 cup almond oil or olive oil, ½ tablespoon ground cinnamon. Mix all these natural ingredients and blend them properly. Now apply on the body. With light massage you can remove the dead skin cells from the body. After washing the skin with normal water, you will enjoy the fresh and nourished effect.
Banana Skin Care Therapy
Take a banana and mash it well. It should be a ripe banana. Pour honey in it. Use this paste on the skin. You can also dab it on the body skin. When it becomes dry, wash it with cold water. For getting a fresh glow, this recipe is best.
Natural Hair Conditioner
For making a natural hair conditioner, collect 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 avocado, 1 tablespoon sea salt, 1 tablespoon aloe vera. First mash the avocado properly. Include lemon juice, sea salt, aloe vera in it. Use this paste on the hair. Now wrap the head with plastic shower cap. After half an hour, wash off the hair. The hair will come up with soft and smooth texture.
Pure Lip Balm
You can make a flavoured lip balm. It will protect the lip from the sun rays. Also the lip balm offers moisturizing effect. First, take sweet almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax and kokum butter together. Apply low heat and allow them to melt. After a few hours, preserve this lip balm in a tube or in your favourite container. Apply this, your lip will glow naturally.
Natural Lip Colour
For offering lip a fresh pink colour, you may take beetroot. Extract the juice from the vegetable. Now use this juice on the lips. Regular application will promote you a pink and natural lip color. Your beauty will be improved through this process.
Enjoy the Honey Wash
Home made body care products are fantastic for the skin. You can nourish your body with natural honey treatment. You just have to take 1 tablespoon of oat or rice bran, ½ tablespoon of natural honey, 2/3 to 1 tablespoon of warm water. Take all of them together in the palm of your hand. In circular motion, massage the body skin well. Rinse it properly and enjoy the pleasure. For all skin type, this natural body therapy is perfect.
Natural Body Toner
This wonderful body toner is applicable mainly on aging skin. All skin type women can use this. Choose 1 tablespoon of powdered green tea. Mix it with ½ cup of hot water. When it becomes warmer, pamper the skin with a cotton pad. Avoid rinsing. Store the extra toner in a refrigerator for further use.
Natural Body Wash
Take 2 cup bean powder or rice bran. Mix it with ½ cup natural honey and 2/3 cup warm water. Shake the mixture well in a bottle and blend it in the water of your bath tub. The product will offer a wonderful freshness on your body.
Relaxing Tea Bath
Take ½ cup oats, ½ cup basmati or brown rice, ½ cup powdered buttermilk or milk, 3 or 1 tablespoon loose green tea, ½ tablespoon coconut or vanilla extract. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl. Take them in cheesecloth and then with the help of a string tie them into a pouch. While taking bath in your bath tub, squeeze the pouch in regular intervals. You have to add your tea bath pouch when the water is cool. For 15 to 20 minutes, enjoy the fabulous bath. It will immensely offer comfort in your mind.
Natural Freshness
Feel a soothing effect on your body, choosing a piece of tomato or orange. Mix it with two tablespoon of curd. Offer a regular massage on the entire body with this mixture. Your body will glow with perfect complexion. After washing the skin, you can enjoy the freshness wonderfully.
Banana Massage
Select some ripe banana. Mash them properly and mix with three to four tablespoon of honey. Dab the paste on the skin and gently massage your body. Gradually, your body will reflect the brightness which is very much praiseworthy.
Home made beauty recipes for face
  • Cold water is a great rejuvenator. Wash your face with chilled water after a long day for an invigorating look before you put on make up for a party. Cold water helps in reducing the size of pores and therefore limits oil secretion as well.
  • Carrot can be used to invigorate your skin. Cook some carrots and mash them into a paste. Then add some drops of honey to it and apply it on your face. Leave the mask for 15 mins to 20 mins and then wash off with cold water to get a refreshing skin.
  • Apple face mask can be used to curb the problem of excess oil and acne. Grate one apple and add few drops of honey to it. Apply it on the affected areas and wash off after 10 mins.
  • Potato juice can be used effectively to cure under eye dark circles. Grate a potato on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. Soak cotton pads on the juice and cover your eyes with it.
  • You can use a face mask of ripe banana, organic chocolate and honey to prevent signs of ages and wrinkles.
  • For a beautiful pout mix some honey and drops of jojoba oil with glycerin and use the mix on your lips.
Home made beauty recipes for hair
The homemade beauty recipes aren’t limited only to skin care. There are many miraculous hair care remedies too available in the market.
  • Beat two to three eggs together and add milk to it. Apply the mixture on your hair and leave it for 10 mins before washing off.
  • Retha can be used as natural shampoo. It doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals but will leave your hair smooth and soft.
  • Curd can be used in adding shine to your hair. Massage your hair with some curd and let it set for 10 mins before washing off.
  • Add some vodka in water and wash off your hair with it after shampooing for bounce and shine.
  • Use lemon juice on your scalp to drive off dandruff.
  • Avoid ammonia based hair color; rather, use henna to color graying hair naturally. You can further add coffee powder to the mix for better color.
Home made beauty recipes for body
  • Add some bathing salt to water and wash your body with it. It will prevent body odor and leave you with a fresh feeling.
  • Always bathe with lukewarm water. It is relaxing and relieves you of tension.
  • Use gram flour as natural exfoliator. Sugar can also be used as exfoliator.
  • For soft and smooth hands- mix some sugar with cream and honey and massage hands with the mix till the sugar granules dissolves. Wash off with cold water.
  • Use pumice stone for smooth and soft heels. You can use a homemade foot soak by adding honey, milk, cinnamon oil in lukewarm water. You can also use lemon rind and rose petals for freshness and fragrance.                                                  

Blush Basics: If you have a darker skin then use a big brush and a bronze powder a shade darker than your skin

All Glory comes from Daring to begin...


1 pacote de natas
2 iogurtes cremosos açúcarados
4 folhas de gelatina
15 bolachas torradas 

Colocam-se as folhas de gelatina de molho em água fria.
Batem-se as natas bem firmes, juntam-se os iogurtes e bate-se mais um pouco.
Espremem-se as folhas de gelatina e junta-se  pouco do creme anterior e vai ao lume em banho-maria para derreterem.
Juntam-se ao creme  e envolve-se muito bem.
Forra-se um forma tipo bolo inglês com papel vegetal.
Deita-se um pouco de creme no fundo e sobre o creme colocam-se cinco bolachas ,fazem-se mais duas camadas sendo a ultima de creme.
Vai ao frio até solidificar.
No momento de servir desenforma-se e polvilha -se com bolachas ralada.


1 cebola
2 dentes de alho
1 pimento verde pequeno
2 tomate pelados
vinho branco
5 fatias de carne de porco assada
6 rodelas de chouriço de carne

Piquei a cebola e o alho e levei a refogar , depois juntei o tomate pelado cortado em pedaço e o pimento em cubos,reguei com o vinho branco e deixei cozinhar uns 5 minutos.
Juntei a carne desfiada temperei com sal e pimenta e deixei cerca de 15 minutos,mexendo de vez em quando .
Depois juntei duas medidas de agua e rectifiquei os temperos.
Quando a agua levantou fervura deitei uma medida de arroz mexi e deixei cozer.
Quando o arroz já estava quase seco ,virei-o para um pirex , e coloquei umas rodelas de chouriço de carne sobre o arroz e foi ao forno uns 10 minutos.
Bom apetite!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

romantic breakfast....

How to make paper flowers....

DIY coconut lime deodorant

homemade coconut lime deodorant

I’ve been so curious about this project.  Who is going to be brave enough to try it … and who will just think I’m crazy?

Well dear readers, I am only crazy in an effort to bring YOU natural, healthy solutions to common problems.
And clearly underarm stinkiness is a common problem!

But first, why isn’t my store-bought deodorant, or *gasp* anti-perspirant, good enough?
Have you looked at the ingredients list on your stick of deodorant?
Active Ingredients:Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex GLY (17.8% W/W).Inactive Ingredients:Cyclopentasiloxane; PPG-14 Butyl Ether; Stearyl Alcohol; Hydrogenated Castor Oil; PEG-8 Distearate; Fragrance (Parfum); Talc; Corn (Zea Mays) Starch; Vegetable Oil (Olus); Glyceryl Oleate; Propylene Glycol; BHT; t-Butyl Hydroquinone; Citric Acid .

Them’s chemicals, ’nuff said.

OK let’s look a little more closely.  Here’s the full analysis of this deodorant on the EWG site.

Aluminum is found in most anti-perspirants to physically block sweat from leaving your pores.  It absorbs into your skin cells, causing them to take on more water and swell, thereby blocking the sweat glands – read how it works here.  But isn’t sweating how our body releases toxins?  Yes.  This is why aluminum in anti-perspirants is so controversial.  Speculation is everywhere across the internet about whether it causes breast cancer or Alzheimers or a variety of other  conditions … but the truth is, we just don’t know yet.

Fragrance the big mystery ingredient which could contain anything from safe essential oils (which it probably doesn’t, because they’re expensive) to toxic, carcinogenic chemicals.  Companies are allowed to hide all of these ingredients in their proprietary fragrance.  It’s just a big question mark what you’re getting with this!
Stearyl Alcohol is drying and a potential skin irritant.

Talc is questionable because of risk of contamination with asbestos.

BHT is classified by EWG as causing cancer, endocrine disruption and potential reproductive toxicity.  Awesome!

Plus a slew of other questionable ingredients you can find in the full analysis link above.  And this deodorant only ranks a 5 on the EWG scale of toxicity!

Fortunately, there is a better and more natural alternative.

Anti-perspirant stops you from sweating.  We can’t make this at home, and we might not even want to (if you believe it’s good to sweat out toxins!)
What we can do is make a natural deodorant which inhibits bacterial growth so you smell sweet all day long.  Hooray!
This deodorant is simple and it works for me.  Variations of this recipe are all over the internet, but after a lot of experimentation, this is the blend that I love and use regularly.

homemade deodorant ingredients
This lovely, tropical-smelling homemade deodorant contains 4 ingredients:
  • Coconut oil.  Coconut oil is moisturising and has a natural antibacterial effect.
  • Arrow Root Powder.  Silky smooth for a nice texture.  I prefer Arrowroot powder to cornstarch, because cornstarch may encourage yeast growth? Not good.  Stick with Arrowroot.
  • Baking Soda.  Absorbs odors (you know how Grandma kept a box in the fridge to make it smell nice … same idea in your underarms!)
  • Essential Oils.  Antibacterial again, and odor-busting.  I use lime essential oil for a tropical fragrance!
And here’s how to make it:

DIY Coconut Lime Deodorant

2 Tb. coconut oil
1 Tb. baking soda
3 Tb. arrowroot powder
5 drops lime essential oil

Just mix it all together and put into a container.  If you want easier mixing, melt the coconut oil first and then let harden before using.

making homemade deodorant

Always always always label the container!

label your homemade deodorant

To use, scoop out a little bit (maybe 1/4 tsp) on your finger, press against your underarm for a few seconds to soften, then rub in.  Repeat on the other side.

homemade deodorant

My little secret: the top of my deodorant did not look this good at first.  So, I melted it down with a hairdryer for a few seconds, then smoothed it with a knife.  Yes, I admit it.  Pretty beauty products are more fun though!

  • Coconut oil melts at very low temps, so if you live in a hot climate, you might want to store this in the fridge.  Or add a bit of beeswax to hold it together.
  • Baking soda can irritate some people’s skin.  If you want more odor-fighting, increase the amount of baking soda.  For a gentler deodorant, decrease the baking soda, or leave it out alltogether.
  • Don’t like coconut lime?  Use a different essential oil like tea tree or lavender.
Effective deodorant seems to be a very personal thing, so change the ratio of baking soda and arrowroot powder until you find what works for you!